Roche Bangladesh and Radiant Business Consortium inked a co-promotion agreement

Roche Bangladesh Limited and Radiant have joined forces through a co-promotion agreement, effective from November 12, 2023. This collaboration aims to extend the availability of our medications to the people of Bangladesh, particularly for the treatment of critical conditions such as Cancer and ophthalmological disorders. By working together, we strive to enhance public awareness and accessibility to these life-saving treatments.

By leveraging our collective expertise in research, development, marketing and distribution, our collaboration aims to expedite the delivery of innovative medical solutions to patients in Bangladesh. Through this synergy, we are driven to make a meaningful impact on healthcare outcomes and enhance the well-being of individuals in the country.

Speaking at the agreement signing event on Sunday, Mr. Adriano Treve, Area head of Roche's Central Eastern Europe, Turkey, Russia, and Indian Subcontinent (CEETRIS), emphasized the significance of the collaboration, highlighting the potential to unlock new avenues for the accessibility of high-quality innovative treatments to the people of Bangladesh.

Mr. Md Nasser Shahrear Zahedee, Chairman of Radiant Pharmaceuticals, has hailed the collaboration with Roche as a milestone for the Bangladesh pharmaceuticals industry.

Mr. Mark Heeb, country manager of Roche Bangladesh expressed enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating, "This partnership represents a milestone in our ongoing commitment to advancing healthcare solutions. By this Roche Bangladesh & Radiant, can leverage our collective strengths to make a meaningful difference in the lives of patients in Bangladesh."

Both companies look forward to the positive impact this partnership will have on the healthcare landscape and the lives of patients in Bangladesh.

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